About Brisbane Wine Cellar Design & Construction
Whether it is to store, display a feature or wine room we can deliver on your dreams. Our team will help you through all the stages and project manage the process for you.
Our journey started with the conundrum of working out what to do with the ongoing storage of our wine and the clutter of the house with my existing fridges. Add to this equation that I had wine sitting in a wine storage facility, I had to decide what to do.
During a previous renovation, I had a builder make a space for a cellar but due to his lack of knowledge and experience in this field, it was totally useless for the purpose.
So I started doing the leg work of looking at fridges, pre-built cellar rooms or a custom design and build. I very quickly realised that the pre-built units were expensive and not practical. Then looking at fridges the questions of how many, where to put them, the look, the cost and the value add. Hence after these questions a custom design was the best way to move forward.
This then presented another set of issues, like where to start. At least I had a builder I knew and trusted to do the work. All the resources are not in Queensland, so phone calls and visits interstate to source a cellar conditioner, the right insulation, racking options and design. Once this was sorted I had to design, draw and formalise it all so I could make my vision a reality.
Well I can tell you the work is worth it; I have added value to my home, all my wine is onsite and I don't have to drive to get it, and I can buy my wine in bulk as I can now store it.
However, the best thing is that I just the other day pulled out a bottle that was 30 years old. The cork was damaged, however because the wine had been stored correctly, it was absolutely perfect to drink.
So let us take the hassle away from you so you can focus on the enjoyment and experiences you will get from sharing your wine with friends and family.
Quality | Passion | Experience | Support | Enjoyment
Boutique Wine Supply
Brisbane Wine Cellar Design & Construction supplies boutique wines. Not only will we design and build your dream cellar we can help you fill it as well; either once off or ongoing.